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ZoomNovember EGO Meeting
HL 101This meeting with include regular office reports and discussion and the department chair will be joining us at 3:30pm. All English graduate students are welcome and encouraged to attend!
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ZoomColloquium w/ Erin Mackie
Our first colloquium of the year will be Friday, November 12th, 1:30-3pm. It will feature faculty member Dr. Erin Mackie discusses her recent work. Graduate students in coursework are required to attend colloquiums, everyone else is encouraged to attent.
Department Reading Group
The department's *new* faculty-graduate student reading group is having the second meeting on Saturday, November 13th, from 3-4:30pm. We are reading chapter three of Saidiya Hartman's Scenes of Subjection and would welcome anyone who is interested, even if you didn't attend the first meeting. See your emails for exact location.
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ZoomEnglish Department Career Panel
ZoomThe English Department's fall career panel will be on Wednesday, November 17th, from 7-9pm on Zoom. Organized by the Undergraduate Committee, this event is open to all and we especially encourage you to encourage your students to attend and see what kinds of careers are open to English majors.
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ZoomCome have some fun writing over the Thanksgiving break!
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ZoomWorkshop on Academic Publishing
HL 105On Friday December 3, at 1-2:00pm, in HL 105, Professor Chris Forster will be offering a Workshop on academic publishing. He will be joined by recently-published grad student, Lauren Cooper, to talk about the what, why, and how of academic publishing, and answer any questions you have. Every PhD student needs to attend each of these […]
December EGO Meeting
HL 101We will be having our last meeting of the semester on Friday 12/3 at 2:30 pm in HL 101 (this is the day before Negotiations). At this meeting, we will be discussing final plans for Negotiations, end-of-semester concerns/beginning of next semester concerns, general officer reports, a review/recapitulation of what we discussed with Coran last week, […]
HL 421Our bi-annual graduate conference Negotiations will be held on Saturday, December 4th, in HL 421. Come hear presentations from Jeffrey Adams, Sue-jin Green, Debra Kue, and Morgan Shaw. A reception will follow.