Write Now
The first Write Now of the semester will occur on Tuesday, from 4-6pm, after which Write Now will happen on Mondays, 4-6pm. They will initially be on Zoom. All are welcome.
Write Now
Write Now will meet online again this week, with a time change, Mondays 4-6pm. Feel free to pop in and join!
Write Now
Online or in-person format TBD.
Write Now
Online or in-person format TBD.
EGO Meeting + Constitutional Updates
HL 101October EGO with motions to update our constitutional and a conversation with DSG Chris Forster.
Write Now
Online or in-person format TBD.
Write Now
ZoomWrite Now
ZoomWrite Now
ZoomNovember EGO Meeting
HL 101This meeting with include regular office reports and discussion and the department chair will be joining us at 3:30pm. All English graduate students are welcome and encouraged to attend!