Secret Santa & Trivia PreGaming
We're virtually opening up our Secret Santa gifts this year before our Trivia Event. If you're involved in Secret Santa, please show up at 6pm EST so we can have […]
EGO Trivia Night
Our English Graduate Organization is sponsoring a trivia night as our end-of-semester event. No need to RSVP, this event is open to all English MAs and PhDs. Just show up, […]
Memorial Gathering for Anthony So
This gathering will occur via Zoom, check your email for a link. Per Coran's email: As chair of the Department of English, I would like to invite you to a […]
Write Now
It's baaack! If you're interested in hanging out with others and being productive from 5-7pm on Tuesdays, come to Write Now. You can join and dip in and out, as […]
Write Now
Check your email for the Zoom link.
Write Now
Check your email for the Zoom link.
Write Now
Check your email for the Zoom link.
Medical Humanities: An Introductory and Research Panel Discussion
Friday, March 5, 2-3:30 p.m. Haejoo Kim (Syracuse University) Sarah Berry (SUNY Oswego) Rebecca Garden (Upstate Medical) Lois Agnew (Syracuse University) Scholars working in the growing interdisciplinary field of medical […]