Tag Archives: fun

EGO Trivia Night

Our English Graduate Organization is sponsoring a trivia night as our end-of-semester event. No need to RSVP, this event is open to all English MAs and PhDs. Just show up, socialize, and exercise the last vestiges of your brain power!

Secret Santa & Trivia PreGaming

We’re virtually opening up our Secret Santa gifts this year before our Trivia Event. If you’re involved in Secret Santa, please show up at 6pm EST so we can have some time to open gifts and chat. You can also just stop by to hang out before the trivia event 🙂

This event will have a different Zoom link than the Trivia Event.

EGO Trivia Night!

EGO has set up a lovely end-of-semester event for English graduate students. In lieu of our Negotiations conference, we are having a trivia night!

*Updated* Event Flyer

Our trivia event will be hosted by Thomas Todd, who recently hosted one of these for the English Department. This will be held via Zoom on Thursday, December 17th, from 6:45pm to about 8:15pm EST. The Zoom link will be sent around via email prior to the event, so keep your eyes peeled. Everyone is welcome at this event, whether you’re a seasoned trivia pro or a relative fact-knowing novice!

If you’re involved in this year’s Secret Santa, we’ll be meeting at 6pm EST to exchange gifts over Zoom (via a different link!).

If you just want the trivia, no gifts or gift chatter, plan to come by at 6:45pm.

We tried to schedule this event to occur after people have submitted final papers, but if you’re still in the midst of writing and researching, why not come and give your brain a different kind of work out? If you’re not interested in trivia, you can always just pop into the Secret Santa exchange or the Trivia Event to say “howdy” and then pop out once we get started.

See you there!