Our final meeting of the academic year! Come join us to write, work, or just hang out.
Check your email for the Zoom link.
Our final meeting of the academic year! Come join us to write, work, or just hang out.
Check your email for the Zoom link.
While the first half of Negotiations will happen over Zoom, we will also meet later in the afternoon for a fun, in-person, outdoors food and friends get together.
Food will be provided but make sure to RSVP to Taylor if you plan to attend.
Location to be either the Thorndon Amphitheater or a tent on campus, depending on the weather.
Pending weather, there are plans to hold an open-air picnic with 2-3 of our new PhD admits. Food and beverages will be provided, just bring yourself and a welcoming attitude
We will meet near the amphitheater in Thorden Park, at 1pm.
Our new PhD admits will be (virtually) visiting at the end of March on the 25th and 26th. There will be plenty of opportunities to get to know them, answer their questions, and get them acquainted with the department as they make their decisions!
Check your emails for more specifics.
Our English Graduate Organization is sponsoring a trivia night as our end-of-semester event. No need to RSVP, this event is open to all English MAs and PhDs. Just show up, socialize, and exercise the last vestiges of your brain power!
We’re virtually opening up our Secret Santa gifts this year before our Trivia Event. If you’re involved in Secret Santa, please show up at 6pm EST so we can have some time to open gifts and chat. You can also just stop by to hang out before the trivia event
This event will have a different Zoom link than the Trivia Event.
Write Now is a weekly writing/work group, created by Patty Roylance and (former SU prof.) Chris Eng. We meet up each week to chat and get some work done. If you don’t have any writing to do, many people also read or work on other assignments (even things like Syllabus construction or paper grading). Come, hang out, do a bit of work.
We’ve moved online since the pandemic, so check your e-mail or the SU English Grads facebook group for the current link.