Our new PhD admits will be (virtually) visiting at the end of March on the 25th and 26th. There will be plenty of opportunities to get to know them, answer their questions, and get them acquainted with the department as they make their decisions!
Scholars working in the growing interdisciplinary field of medical humanities investigate the human experience of health and illness through an interdisciplinary lens at the intersection of social sciences, the humanities, the arts, biomedical sciences and caregiving disciplines.
**You need to register for this event** It is required for every MA and PhD student in coursework and strongly suggested for all others.
Mainly, we’ll be covering the process – start to finish – of how (and why) to publish a journal article as a graduate student. We will also touch on other forms of publication: book chapters, book reviews, encyclopedia entries, and even monographs (single-author books).
This is one of the four, annually offered pre-professional workshops that all Ph.D. students are required to attend at some point during their years at SU. M.A.’s are also welcome and encouraged to attend!
Friday, November 13 at 2:00 pm via Zoom *Time Change
Professor Dympna Callaghan
In preparation for the workshop, please 1) review the guidelines for prospectuses in the attached EnglishGraduate Handbook; 2) consult your adviser via email or in person concerning his or her expectations concerning the prospectus — especially inquire about what your adviser sees as the most important thing that the prospectus should accomplish; 3) look at a prospectus written by one of your peers—more if you have time, but at least look closely at one. Prospectus’ can be found on the G drive, which you all have access to. Go to G drive -> AS -> ENG -> #GRADUATE -> PhD English -> PhD Prospectus
The workshop on the MA Dossier will be held on Wednesday, November 11 at 1:00 pm via zoom.
In preparation for this workshop, Susan Edmunds would encourage you to have a look at some of the dossiers and dossier proposals available on the G drive. You do not need to read the dossier papers themselves but are urged, rather, to look closely at the dossier rationale sheets.
We’re having our monthly English Graduate Organization meeting this Friday, the 13th of November, starting at 3pm EST. We’ll be hearing from our officers, discussing follow-ups to the inter-group dialogue session, and learning the ins and outs of this year’s Secret Santa (among many other things!).
EGO meetings are open to all English department MA and PhD students. If you’ve never attended a meeting before this is a fine time to start!
There’s an EGO meeting this very Friday! Tomorrow! Our meeting will start at 3pm EST and Jeffrey has already sent around the Zoom link.
EGO Meeting Flyer
Per Jeffrey’s email, we will hear the usual officer reports and also devote time to hearing about Chris Eng’s exit interview (shared with faculty and our reps this week in the Assembly meeting) and discussing the potential for a graduate student-chair listening session with Coran.