Check your email with the Zoom link to this writing and work group!
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Write Now
Check your email with the Zoom link to this writing and work group!
Write Now
Check your email with the Zoom link to this writing and work group!
September EGO Meeting
Our first meeting of the year where we will hear officer reports and discuss pressing issues for grad students in the department.
MFA Reintegration EGO Meeting
This is a joint MA/PhD and MFA meeting to discuss the potentials for reintegrating the MFAs into the English Graduate Organization. Please check your email for our welcome letting to the MFA side and for the Zoom link to the meeting.
This meeting is open to all!
Write Now
Check your email with the Zoom link to this writing and work group!
Graduate Student Orientation Meetings
We will be continuing with the orientation meetings for incoming and first year MA and PhD students. Topics covered will include: mental health, how to succeed in the program, how to write a successful seminar paper, and other concerns that incoming students have.
These sessions will be broken up across a few Fridays this year and take place on Zoom.
You are strongly encouraged to attend.
New Grad Meet-and-Greet
Some time has been set aside at the end of the department’s incoming MA/PhD orientation for returning grads to meet the new grads.
Come if you want an opportunity to welcome our new grads!
This meeting will happen via Zoom so watch out for the link in your email.
EGO Meeting
This Friday, 1-2pm, we’re having a meeting to discuss MFA participation and potential reintegration into EGO. This meeting is open to all.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 975 0029 2600
Passcode: 273424
Online Instruction with Zoom
This coming Friday, English department grad Staci Stutsman will be running a workshop on zoom interactivity for us all. This is open to everyone! Faculty from English and Creative Writing; MFAs, MAs, and PhDs; first time teachers and last time teachers!
Staci will present for 30 minutes on ways to create interactive zoom sessions, including: options for sharing writing, using the whiteboard function, annotating on a file or desktop, sharing content from a second camera, and granting remote access for a mouse.
Her presentation will be followed by 30 minutes of time for questions and answers.
Here is the Zoom info (you can find more detailed info via Coran’s email about this):
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 726 5778 6678
Passcode: SUEnglish