Tag Archives: teaching

Extraordinary Faculty Assembly Meeting

The department will be meeting about covid and teaching from about 10:30-12pm. Usually Assembly meetings are open to all faculty and only our EGO reps, but this one is open to all. This would be a good meeting to attend if you have concerns about how the university and our department will handle teaching in-person versus teaching online next semester.

Coran has sent around a Zoom link to this meeting, so check your email for the invite.

Online Instruction with Zoom

This coming Friday, English department grad Staci Stutsman will be running a workshop on zoom interactivity for us all. This is open to everyone! Faculty from English and Creative Writing; MFAs, MAs, and PhDs; first time teachers and last time teachers!

Staci will present for 30 minutes on ways to create interactive zoom sessions, including: options for sharing writing, using the whiteboard function, annotating on a file or desktop, sharing content from a second camera, and granting remote access for a mouse.

Her presentation will be followed by 30 minutes of time for questions and answers.

Here is the Zoom info (you can find more detailed info via Coran’s email about this):

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 726 5778 6678
Passcode: SUEnglish